Dreambox online math has turned out to be a success. Ooka Island reading is kind of "eh" for PJ. We worked in some writing books to practice our letters and T wrote some fun paragraphs, even though getting either of them to write is sometimes like pulling teeth...
We played The Allowance Game, that earned a big Thumbs Down from The T Man but little PJ loved it so much he had to get dad to play every morning.

We visited the Cerritos Library (wow!) and found some fun reading there. PJ is a very big fan of "Biscuit" the fictional dog. He read a couple of those to me while T discovered a graphic novel about "Ug" the stone-age boy genius. P.E. followed in the fountains in about 90 degrees. Very fun. Thanks to my dear friend Claudia for taking us along! We all have so much fun together.
We are lacking in hard physical activity this week. It's so hot outside, we're staying under fans! And while we've had two playdates this week, I'd like to improve on that as well. Baby Steps...
Moving Beyond the Page is barely moving. The kids are not crazy about the "Community" topic because they have 1) studied it before and 2) don't find it all that exciting. We reviewed Rural life versus Urban Life. It was a little lost on the Peej. I'll be picking out the fun bits and moving right along in it next week.

Are you exhausted just hearing about this week yet? I'm not even done!
Life skills were folding and stowing laundry and putting away dishes for little PJ while T was getting handy in the kitchen. He used the microwave to heat something and then made a new creation: a peanut butter pickle dog with mustard. I didn't think he actually would like it, but low and behold... he did. Perhaps it was just because he made it himself... He also tried his hand at hand-washing dishes since our washer went kaput a few weeks ago. A green-tinged face appeared at my desk exclaiming "I can't do it! There was CAT food on a bowl! It just grossed me out! I'm just too sensitive for that!" Inwardly I sigh, but I was the same way at that age. Maybe next year... :-)
It's now almost 5:00pm on Friday and Mama is tired and we are starting our long weekend. Thank. Goodness.
You are probably thinking about now... Wouldn't it just be easier to drop them off at school? If you have been reading my blog from the beginning, you know that it wouldn't.