Monday we did our usual studies and then spent the afternoon at the park with a lovely homeschooling family of 3 little boys. The older boys tromped around the park in full discovery-mode, into the nooks and crannys of a dried "creek" and up to it's pond. I looked at my fellow mama and told her I gave the TMan 10 minutes before he was up to his knees in that murky water. 20 minutes later he approached in sloshing tennis shoes. Haha. It's what boys do. Snakes and Snails and Puppy Dog Tails!
After removing the offending pond fifth, the boys went after some climbing trees and and found a huge patch of mushrooms. T explained the "gills" of the mushroom and disected it and named it's type. (I still need to go look it up, but I'm looking forward to getting an iphone just for an app I heard about that does object recognition) I can't locate anything about it on the Web except back to 2009. But gosh, I need it so I can take a picture of something and give it a name.

Wednesday we met up with our GHF friends, Amy, Liam and Sutton for a geocaching expedition at the South Coast Botanic Garden. Mission: FAIL. All 4 of the boys were either hot, bored or obsessing about Minecraft. I stupidly left my phone (with previously mentioned awesome app) at home. We are going try that again next Tuesday. We went home and let the boys have some quiet play time. Much more relaxing..
I had a wonderful Aha moment this week with little PJ. He has been practicing writing the alphabet in a little Lakeshore Learning writing book. For some reason, he wants to always start at the bottom of the line and move upwards, so I have sat down and review each letter, explaining to start at the top line and moved downwards, then add the other features of the letters. While at the park the other day, he got too hot and decided to rest across my lap. So I began to trace letters on his back. He guessed every single letter correctly! I am thinking this whole teaching thing might just be working out.

With this summer heat, we are getting lots of bugs. We had to pick bees and termites out of the pool yesterday. We also got a strange little visitor that we couldn't identify. I called over to T to have him check it out and see if he knew the name. "Ah! It's a Weevil!" he exclaimed. Having never seen a weevil in my life, I just didn't believe him and pulled up the trusty browser on my phone. WHY did I question this kid? It was a weevil. When I asked him how he knew this, he credited "Ugly Bugs" one of the Horrible Science books. Ah, it really IS working!
So I am okay today with a morning of cartoons and relaxation. It's gonna be another hot one! Next week we get to visit the San Bernardino Mountains with my sister. We have planned some community gardening and a little history of the area. Should be lots of fun. And Educational.